
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Beauty and the Geek: Make-Over Review

UPDATED 10/21/07

I liked Jesse, I didn't like him with blonde hair. He looked stereotypical gay. I would have preferred with darker hair. I did not like his makeover at all. He is so cute, but here he looked like he was to a skanky European club.

Luke looked a lot like Penn Bedgley. It's funny how he said, "Is this what I had to do?" It's true boy, you were already hot, you just needed some primming.

John did look different. I didn't think he was look so different. It's funny how his partner said he had a big forehead. They made him pretty, it was great. He also looked like a gay stereotype, I guess cause he is so skinny.

As for the others...
William's partner was not happy with his look, but I think it was fine. Joshua looked about the same but dressed better. Nicole looked awesome, it is not like they changed her, it's like they extenuated her looks.

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